Saturday, January 19, 2013

New Year, More Joy Day 5

Day 5

Date: 1/18/13

Weight: 176.0

Physical feelings: It's Friday! I woke up at 5:50 today and got up and got a few things done this morning before I had to wake the girls. I had intended to do my Bible study at this time, but got wrapped up in laundry and kitchen stuff instead. Started the morning feeling pretty good. Also, scale keeps being friendly to me!

Emotional Feelings: Hey...it's Friday! I know I need to get to Wal-Mart this morning, so I need to go with a full stomach so that I don't get tempted. 

NS Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal *** I am a fan of oatmeal, so this is usually good for me. Tasted like normal, instant oatmeal. My favorite is steel-cut oats, though. 
Coffee w/ sugar free creamer
PowerFuel: Slimfast Vanilla shake

Morning Snack:
PowerFuel: Wasn't at home, so saved this for afternoon snack.

NS Cheesy Homestyle potatoes (with a hint of broccoli) ** I wouldn't go as far as to say "homestyle." They were instant mashed potatoes, ya know. I added a bunch of steamed broccoli and a few crowder peas (which I later read were not considered an unlimited veggie, whoops). So I used the crowder peas for my afternoon snack. 
PowerFuel: Saved for later.

Afternoon Snack
Skipped since I used it at lunch with the crowder peas.

NS Italian Herb Flatbread Pizza *** Since the girls had friends over, we went to Pizza Hut. I knew I better make and eat my pizza before we went or I would not be able to keep from eating a piece. I sauteed onions, peppers, canned mushrooms, and baby spinach in a skillet with non-stick spray and PILED it on that little pizza. I added a little part-skim mozzarella cheese also, because I didn't have a full serving of crowder peas at lunch. I baked it in the oven on a pizza pan covered in corn meal. The first bite was fantastic! I also added banana peppers, and I wish that I had added more. Once I got to the middle I guess it was just too much cheese or something, and I started getting put off by it. Next time I will not add the cheese, skip the red peppers, and add more banana peppers. However, this definitely helped me get the rest of my veggies in for the day. This pizza definitely has potential of being a really good food item.
SmartCarb: Too full, or just bleh to eat anything else. Saved for later.

NS Mini Chocolate Chip Cookies * These were a disappointment. How can you mess up chocolate chip cookies? Make them the texture of dog biscuits. I paired them with a cup of skim milk (My SmartCarb saved from dinner). No matter how long I dipped the cookie, it would not get soft or soggy?! The flavor was okay, but the texture was the pits. Not one I would pick to order. 

End of the day thought: I think the biggest shock when you get your first Nutrisystem shipment is how small the portions look. When I thought about how I was eating right and couldn't understand why I was gaining weight, I was totally blowing the portion size--probably by 2 times! However, it is enjoyable to feel like you are not starving, but not miserable either. I don't miss that bloated, overfull feeling that I had before. My stomach is beginning to adjust, and I look forward to food now--even if it isn't my favorite thing in the world to eat. Dessert is like a friend waiting for you at the end of the day, and I don't feel guilty about blowing a diet because I am having it like I did before. It's planned.

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