Day 3 (I kept this on paper and am typing it up)
Date: 1/16/13
Weight: 177.2
Physical feelings: Well rested since the girls had a snow day and I got to sleep until almost 8:00! I'm not as hungry all the time as I thought I would be, but this abrupt change to my diet has made my stomach a little off...bowel-wise. I don't feel sick, I just I feel gas bubbles moving around in there during the day, and...well, that's enough to understand!
Emotional Feelings: Still positive and optimistic.
NS pancakes. **** I added about 5 frozen blueberries. I made the girls pancakes since they were home and so I decided to make mine also. So far these breakfasts have been good.
Coffee w/ sugar free creamer
PowerFuel: Skim milk
Morning Snack:
PowerFuel: Slimfast vanilla protein shake.
NS Homestyle Chicken **** This was another of the canned meals. It was thick and had a good flavor.
PowerFuel: Peanut Butter on a slice of whole grain bread. I used up my afternoon Smartcarb for this because I was hungry. Also ate a plate full of carrots.
Afternoon Snack
SmartCarb: Skipped since I used it at lunch. Wasn't too hard to do since I was at the paint store and grocery store.
NS Chicken Pasta Parmesan *** This was a sealed ready to eat dinner that had a good flavor, and the chicken was not that weird texture that I was afraid of. Not bad. Shane and the girls ate at church, so I didn't have to cook for them.
SmartCarb: 2 mandarin oranges. I actually didn't eat these until after dessert later in the evening.
NS Double Chocolate Almond Cookie **** I warmed this up. It was a really dense texture, but I appreciated the normal tasting chocolate. Less like a Tootsie Roll.
End of the day thought: I have really liked planning my meals to be similar to what I make for the rest of the family. I thought this would be the hardest thing with NS, but so far it hasn't been that big of a deal AS LONG AS I have planned ahead.
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