Thursday, January 17, 2013

New Year: More Joy Day 2

Day 2 (I kept this on paper and am typing it up)

Date: 1/15/13

Weight: 178

Physical feelings: Woke up hungry and really looking forward to breakfast!

Emotional Feelings: I was a bit cranky when I had to wait to eat breakfast to take our vehicle to the shop to get a new windshield. Shane went through Chic-fil-a, and I resisted. But I am excited to see a lower number on the scale today. Worked with Shane removing the ugly light from our yellow bathrooom (yay!) Worked on Bible study for about an hour this morning. 

NS Maple Brown Sugar. **** I added about 5 frozen blueberries, and this was actually really good and filling. 
Coffee w/ sugar free creamer
PowerFuel: I opted for scrambled egg whites (egg white substitute in the carton.) I sprayed a pan with spray butter and just poured a bit in there--probably about the equivalent of one extra large egg. I sprayed the eggs once more with spray butter, added a tiny salt and a lot of pepper and enjoyed. This was a really decent and filling breakfast. 

Morning Snack:
PowerFuel: Slimfast vanilla protein shake. I have an immersion blender, so I add a couple of crushed ice cubes, blend it all up, and drink this really slowly. Yum.

NS Beans & Ham **** This meal was actually really good. Has a really good texture and flavor. Since it is one of the canned meals, there are no dehydrated mystery meat pieces or anything, so I liked it a lot.
PowerFuel: 1 Tbsp Peanut butter, plate full of carrots and celery (gotta get those veggies in!) 

Afternoon Snack
SmartCarb: 2 mandarin oranges 
1 cup hot low-sodium chicken broth. Again, I cannot imagine drinking this in warmer weather, but it was a cold, sleeting day where the kids got out for bad weather, and it tasted pretty good.

NS Lasagna *** Tasted like Chef Boyardee, but after last night's sloppy joe nastiness, this was like heaven. I heated up a frozen lasagna for the rest of the family, and our plates didn't look that different. Okay, theirs looked slightly better.
Veggies: HUGE salad made with romaine lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, avacado, and boiled eggs. TINY bit of ranch dressing and a lot of pepper. 
SmartCarb: Wheat Bun toasted. I wasn't even hungry for this at dinner, so I had it after dessert. Topped with a very small amount of olive oil margarine.

NS Chocolate Bar ** Tasted sort of like a Tootsie Roll, with that texture. Reminds me of a protein bar. Not really what I would choose for dessert, though. 
8 oz. Chocolate milk. I mean, I added the tiniest amount of Ovaltine that you could add and still call it chocolate milk. Tan colored, really.

End of the day thought: Still think it might be worth customizing my next shipment. However, I am glad I get to sample different things so that I know what I like. I see the importance of planning at least a couple days ahead so that I have everything I need, and the need to make several trips to the grocery store each week so that I don't waste produce. 

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