Thursday, January 17, 2013

New Year, More Joy Day 4

Day 4 

Date: 1/17/13

Weight: 176.6

Physical feelings: So sleepy all morning! Still having the stomach/bowel issues, but not that bad. Headache today, but right after I made some diet lemonade, so might be from that or sinus. Legs are tired from climbing up and down ladder in bathroom to paint. 

Emotional Feelings: Still positive. Helps to see the number keep dropping on the scale. Feels so good to feel like I am headed in the right direction. Finding myself less self conscious. It's almost like I want to be seen now so that I can surprise people in a few months looking and feeling good! I had Community Bible Study today, and went to a friend's house afterwards at lunchtime, so this was my first day of planning my meals away from home. 

NS Chocolate donut *** I warmed it, like I do everything, because it was so hard and dense. Not anything like a Krispy Kreme. More like the texture of a cake donut. Flavor wasn't bad though.
Coffee w/ sugar free creamer
PowerFuel: Ran out of time and saved this for an afternoon snack.

Morning Snack:
PowerFuel: Wasn't at home, so saved this for afternoon snack.

NS Beans and Ham **** Still one of my favorite so far. Sort of like a thick soup. No broth.
PowerFuel: Saved for later. Substituted a SmartCarb instead. Carrots and sugar snap peas.
SmartCarb: 1/2 serving canned mandarin oranges in juice.

Afternoon Snack
PowerFuel (saved from Morning snack) Weight Watchers cheese stick.
PowerFuel (saved from Lunch) 2 oz buffalo chicken lunchmeat I weighed it on a food scale so I could see how much it really was. It was cut shaved so it felt like more. 
SmartCarb: 1 small banana

NS Macaroni and cheese with beef **** Sort of a healthy Hamburger Helper. Little pellets of beef, but the taste was pretty good. Cheese sauce got nice and thick. This was one of those dehydrated meals, so I wasn't too excited, but after being rehydrated, it looked really good! I added a ton of steamed broccoli and some pepper, and it turned out to be one of my favorite meals this week. Filled up a whole bowl. 
SmartCarb: Saving for later this evening when I plan to eat 2 mandarin oranges. I am eating oranges like a mad woman! 

NS Oatmeal Raisin cookie **** This cookie has been the most normal, non-diet tasting thing from NS yet. It just tasted like a cookie. Normal texture. I was excited. I warmed it, of course. I want another one.

End of the day thought: I had a conversation with a friend today about NS. Other than my immediate family who live in my house, no one knows I am doing this. She knows because I was heating up my NS lunch in her microwave. She asked me how it was going with cooking for a husband and 3 kids while trying to eat my own food. I said SURPRISINGLY well! She also said she was always concerned she would get on NS, lose a bunch of weight, and then gain it all back the second she got off NS. I said I used to think that also, but I have wanted for years to prove that wrong! I never knew how much extra work and planning and grocery items it took to do NS. At first I thought of that as a negative, but now I see that it prepares you for doing it on your own. Eating healthy is 90% planning ahead! The other 10% is just sticking to a plan, and not eating anything that is not on that plan. Someday when I reach my goal weight I can indulge more, but I will NEVER let myself get to this place again. I will weigh myself more often, and I will be more proactive when I see the scale creeping up. Also, I will begin to exercise again soon, but I want to give myself this month to get used to the huge decrease in food and dietary changes. Next month I plan to add in the Daily 3 (30 minutes exercise). 

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